
  1. To cultivate student’s curiosity and interest in science;
  2. To gain a preliminary understanding of nature of science and preliminary engineering thinking and practical skills;
  3. To develop the abilities to make inquiries about science and solve problems in daily lives by integrating and applying knowledge and skills of science and related disciplines;
  4. To make reasonable analysis and reasoning based on data and logic, and put forward personal opinions.
  5. To develop and attitude for responsible citizenship and a commitment to promote personal and community health.

Curriculum Emphases

  1. Develop motivation and the skills to explore, investigate and generate solutions for scientific problems emerging from the study of the material world, use of energy, living things and the Earth and beyond.
  2. Develop an interest in exploring the technological world and perform technology activities creatively to solve simple problems in daily life.


1. Subject Knowledge

  • Health and Living
  • People and Environment
  • Science and Technology in Everyday Life

2. Generic Skills

  • collaboration skills
  • communication skills
  • creativity
  • critical thinking skills
  • information technology (IT) skills
  • numeracy skills
  • problem-solving skills
  • self-management skills
  • study skills